Tenured Associate Professor
Professional Experience
Aug. 2016 - Jan. 2022: assistant professor, IESR, Jinan University
Feb. 2022 - Jan. 2024: associate professor (without tenure), IESR, Jinan University
Feb. 2024 - : associate professor (with tenure), IESR, Jinan University
Apr. 2023 - Aug. 2023: visiting research fellow, Institute for Global Health and Development (IGHD), Peking University
Sep. 2023 - : adjunct research fellow (by courtesy), IGHD, Peking University
Ph.D., Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics, The Ohio State University, 2016
M.S., Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics, The Ohio State University, 2014
B.A., Economics, & B.S., Statistics, Peking University, 2011
Research Fields
1. Air Pollution and Mortality Impacts of Coal Production: Evidence from Coalmine Accidents in China, with Yin Chu, J. Scott Holladay, Xianliang Tian, Maigeng Zhou, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 121, 102846 (2023).
2. The Effects of Temperature on Labor Productivity, with Wangyang Lai, Qu Tang, Chen Xi, Peng Zhang, Annual Review of Resource Economics 15: 213–32 (2023).
3. The effects of temperature on mental health: Evidence from China, with Yue Hua, Xiaoqing Tan, Journal of Population Economics 36, 1293–1332 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00148-022-00932-y
4. Key Links in Network Interactions: Assessing Route-specific Travel Restrictions in China during the Covid-19 Pandemic, with Xi Chen, Wei Shi, Pei Yu, China Economic Review 73, 101800 (2022).
5. Spatial Variations and Social Determinants of Life Expectancy in China: 2005-2020: A Population-based Spatial Panel Modelling Study, with Wei Wang, Yunning Liu, Pengpeng Ye, Chengdong Xu, Peng Yin, Jiangmei Liu, Jinlei Qi, Jinling You, Lin Lin, Lijun Wang, Junming Li, Wei Shi, Maigeng Zhou, THE LANCET Regional Health - Western Pacific 23, 100451 (2022).
6. Productivity Loss amid Invisible Pollution, with Chunchao Wang, Qianqian Lin, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 112, 102638 (2022).
7. Adaptation and the distributional effects of heat: Evidence from Professional Archery Competitions, with Jinhua Zhao, Southern Economic Journal 88, 1149–1177 (2022).
8. Economic cost of air pollution: a rational expectation approach (基于理性预期理论的大气污染经济成本评估), with Yingdan Mei, Li Gao, Jiade Chen, China Population, Resources and Environment (中国人口·资源与环境), 2021, 31(2): 24-33. DOI: 10.12062/cpre. 20200609
9. Dredging the Sand Commons: The Economic and Geophysical Drivers of Beach Nourishment, with Sathya Gopalakrishnan, Allen Klaiber, and Xiaoyu Li, Climatic Change 162, 363–383 (2020). https://rdcu.be/b4GW7.
10. Impacts of Social and Economic Factors on the Transmission of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in China, with Xi Chen, Wei Shi, Journal of Population Economics 33 (Lead article), 1127–1172 (2020).
11. The impact of indoor air pollution on health outcomes and cognitive abilities: Empirical evidence from China, with Feng'an Yang, Wangyang Lai, Population and Environment 40, 388–410 (2019).
12. Capitalization of interconnected active transportation infrastructure, with Cristina Connolly, Mitchell Livy, and Allen Klaiber, Landscape and Urban Planning 182, 67–78 (2019).
13. Shoreline defense against climate change and capitalized impact of beach nourishment: Evidence from the coastal housing market in North Carolina, with Sathya Gopalakrishnan, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 92, 134– 147 (2018).
Working Papers
1. Air pollution and stock returns: the cash flow risk channel, with Rong Li, Luxi Liu, Xiaohui Tian, R&R, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal.
2. The impact of ozone pollution on mortality: evidence from China, with Yunning Liu, Wei Shi, Maigeng Zhou, R&R, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management.
3. Unintended water pollution consequences of COVID-19 in China, with Wei Shi, Wenjie Wu, Ning Zhang.
4. The effects of extreme temperatures on dementia mortality, with Xi Chen, Yunning Liu, Jingran Wei, Pei Yu, Maigeng Zhou.
5. Forgotten pollutant: impact of ozone pollution on morbidity, with Gorden Liu, Meng Liu, Nan Xiao.
Research Grants
2023-2026: Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities by Jinan University
2023-2025: Young Scientists Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China
2017:The Innovation and Strong School Project of the Department of Education of Guangdong Province
2015: Graduate Student Research Grant, by OSU Center for Real Estate Research.
2015: EPI Graduate Student Professional Travel Grant, by OSU Environmental Policy Initiative.
2013: EPI PhD Dissertation Proposal Summer Research Grant,“Study dynamic interactions between geophysical processes and human activity in the coastal zone in response to climate change”, by OSU Environmental Policy Initiative.
2009-2011: President's Undergraduate Research Grant, by Peking University.
Honors / Awards
2022: The Peking University Global Health Young Scholar Award
2021 Kuznets Prize of the Journal of Population Economics
2011: FAES Environmental Graduate Research Fellowship Award, by OSU College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences.
2011: Outstanding graduate, by Peking University
2009: National Scholarship, by Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China.
2008, 2010: May Fourth Scholarship, by Peking University.