Institute for Economic and Social Research

Seminar | Shuo Yan, Southern University of Science and Technology


Time: Apr. 22 (Fri.), 13:30 -15:00

Title: Do Competitive Workplaces Deter Female Workers? Evidence from LinkedIn

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About the Speaker:

现任南方科技大学金融系助理教授,副研究员,博士生导师。2016年毕业于意大利博科尼商学院(Bocconi University), 获金融学博士。她的主要研究方向为金融科技、行为金融学和公司金融。严硕目前主持国家自然科学基金项目、广东省自然科学基金项目、深圳市软科学项目和深圳市高校稳定支持面上项目等科研项目,她的研究成果曾在世界顶级金融学和管理学会议,如AFAICIS上进行宣讲近年来研究成果发表于Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, International Review of Financial Analysis等期刊。


Using career history data from LinkedIn, this paper investigated whether gender differences in job mobility are related to gender differences in preference for competition. A difference-in-difference model using the removal of the “rank and yank” performance appraisal system as an exogeneous shock reduces the level of competition within a workplace was estimated to assess US publicly listed firms. The results showed that women have shorter average tenures than men in highly competitive companies. While, the removal of the rank and yank system decreased the gender gap in job tenure in related companies.We further present experimental evidence in support of women are able to perform similarly to men in competitive environment, but still less likely to enter the competitive environment. Our findings suggested the difference in the preference for competition accounts for a significant share of the gender difference in job mobility.





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