Institute for Economic and Social Research

News and Announcements

IESR Associate Professor Sisi Zhang Appointed as Associate Editor of the Journal of Population Economics


In November 2021, IESR Associate Professor Sisi Zhang has been newly appointed as an Associate Editor of the Journal of Population Economics


The Journal of Population Economics is an international quarterly that publishes original theoretical and applied research in all areas of population economics.


The journal is owned by Springer Nature, and it is published in collaboration with POP at UNU-MERIT, the Global Labor Organization (GLO) and the European Society for Population Economics (ESPE).

The Journal of Population Economics is a leading journal in the field. Its micro-level topics examine individual, household or family behavior, including household formation, marriage, divorce, fertility choices, education, labor supply, migration, health, risky behavior and aging. Macro-level investigations may address such issues as economic growth with exogenous or endogenous population evolution, population policy, savings and pensions, social security, housing, and health care.

To know more Journal of Population Economics, Please visit:


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