Title: Testing for Asymmetric Employer Learning and Statistical Discrimination
Speaker: Suqin Ge, Virginia Tech
Time: December 18th, 2019 13:30-15:00
Venue: Conference Room 406, Zengxianzi Science Hall
About the speaker:
Suqin Ge is an Associate Professor of Economics at Virginia Tech. She obtained her Master’s degree in Economics from Fudan University and her Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota. Professor Ge’s research focuses primarily on labor economics and the Chinese economy. Her work has covered a wide range of topics including education, labor supply, wage structure, discrimination, and migration. She has published in journals including Journal of Labor Economics, Journal of the European Economic Association, and the Journal of Applied Econometrics. She received the Honor of U.S Department of Labor Scholar in 2015. She is a co-investigator in an interdisciplinary program that is funded by U.S National Science Foundation.