Title: Global Sensitivity Analysis in Econometrics
Speaker: Elie Tamer, Harvard University
Time: December 17th and 18th, 2018 20:00–22:00
Venue: Conference Room 106B, Zhonghui Building (IESR, JNU College of Economics)
About the speaker:
Elie Tamer is a Louis Berkman Professor of Economics at the Department of Economics, Harvard University. He is also a Fellow of the Econometric Society, and a former Co-Editor of Econometrica and Quantitative Economics. Elie Tamer received his Ph.D. in Economics from the Northwestern University in 1999. His main research interests include econometrics and empirical industrial organization. In particular, the econometrician focuses his research on the relationship between models that economists are interested in, and the data that is observed. Elie Tamer's work has been widely published in such journals as Econometrica, Journal of Econometrics, Review of Economic Studies, Journal of Political Economy, and many others.