Title: State Owned Enterprises, Hukou and Wages in China
Speaker: Professor Kailing Shen, ANU College of Business and Economics
Time: June 16th, 2017 13:30–15:00
Venue: Conference Room 106B, Zhonghui Building (College of Economics, JNU)
This study empirically examines the differential impacts of SOE vs. private sectors on individual labor income using both firm level and worker level micro data. In particular, the wage outcomes of rural and urban hukou workers are allowed to be affected differently by these two sectors. The preliminary results indicate higher asset level of the private sector is correlated with higher wages for both local and migrant urban workers, while higher asset level of the SOE sector is only correlated with higher wages for local urban workers. To explain such empirical findings, a Roy model with limited and unilateral labor mobility between the SOE and private sector is proposed.