- 刘诗濛(合作者:Qianqian Cao), "The Impact of State Foreclosure and Bankruptcy Laws on Higher-Risk Lending: Evidence from FHA and Subprime Mortgage Originations," Journal of Real Estate Research (2016)
- 2017-11-21
- The Impact of State Foreclosure and Bankruptcy Laws on Higher-Risk Lending: Evidence from FHA and Subprime Mortgage Originations
- 李书娟(合作者:徐现祥,戴天仕),《身份认同与夜间灯光亮度》,《世界经济》(2016)
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- 《身份认同与夜间灯光亮度》
- 刘诗濛,"Agglomeration, Urban Wage Premiums, and College Majors," Journal of Regional Science (2017)
- 2017-11-21
- Agglomeration, Urban Wage Premiums, and College Majors
- 蔡澍(合作者:Albert Park),“Permanent Income and Subjective Well-Being,” Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (2016)
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- Permanent Income and Subjective Well-Being
- 孙伟增(合作者:Siqi Zheng, Yuming Fu), "local public service provision and spatial inequality in chinese cities:The role of residential income sorting and land-use conditions," Journal of Regional Science (2016)
- 2017-11-21
- local public service provision and spatial inequality in chinese cities:The role of residential income sorting and land-use conditions
- 孙伟增(合作者:Maximilian Auffhammer,Jianfeng Wu, Siqi Zheng), “The Decomposition and Dynamics of Industrial Carbon Dioxide Emissions for 287 Chinese Cities in 1998–2009,” Journal of Economic Surveys (2016)
- 2017-11-21
- The Decomposition and Dynamics of Industrial Carbon Dioxide Emissions for 287 Chinese Cities in 1998–2009
- 孙伟增(合作者:Siqi Zheng),《居民对房价的预期如何影响房价变动》,《统计研究》(2016)
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- 《居民对房价的预期如何影响房价变动》
- 朱宏佳(合作者:Yu Qin,Rong Zhu),“changes in the distribution of land prices in urban China during 2007-2012,” Regional Science and Urban Economics (2016)
- 2017-11-21
- Changes in the distribution of land prices in urban China during 2007-2012
- 朱宏佳(合作者:Yongheng Deng,Rong Zhu,Xiaobo He),“Fear of Nuclear Power? Evidence from Fukushima Nuclear Accident and Land Markets in China,” Regional Science and Urban Economics (2016)
- 2017-11-21
- Fear of Nuclear Power? Evidence from Fukushima Nuclear Accident and Land Markets in China
- 朱宏佳(合作者:秦雨)"Run away? Air pollution and emigration interests in China," Journal of Population Economics (2017)
- 2017-09-28
- “Run away? Air pollution and emigration interests in China”