- 陈祎(合作者:Sheng Jiang, Li-An Zhou)," Estimating Returns to Education in Urban China: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Schooling Reform," Journal of Comparative Economics (2019)
- 2019-11-12
- Estimating Returns to Education in Urban China: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Schooling Reform
- 冯帅章、韩昱洁(合作者:Yuanyuan Chen), "The effect of primary school type on the high school opportunities of migrant children in China," Journal of Comparative Economics (2019)
- 2019-10-30
- The effect of primary school type on the high school opportunities of migrant children in China
- 薛森(合作者:Xin Meng), "Social Networks and Mental Health Outcomes: Chinese Rural-urban Migrant Experience," Journal of Population Economics (2019)
- 2019-08-13
- 我院助理教授薛森的合作论文 “Social Networks and Mental Health Outcomes: Chinese Rural-urban Migrant Experience(合作者:Xin Meng)被Journal of Population Economics接受发表。
- 李书娟(合作者:徐现祥),《官员偏爱籍贯地的机制研究——基于资源转移的视角》,《经济研究》(2019)
- 2019-08-13
- 本文旨在探索官员偏爱籍贯地发展现象背后的机制。
- 王武毅(合作者:Liangjun Su 、Yichong Zhang), "Strong Consistency of Spectral Clustering for Stochastic Block Models," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (2019)
- 2019-08-13
- 我院助理教授王武毅的合作论文Strong Consistency of Spectral Clustering for Stochastic Block Models” (合作者: Liangjun Su 、Yichong Zhang) 被 IEEE Transactions on Information Theory接受发表。
- 薄诗雨(独立作者), "Centralization and Regional Development: Evidence from a Political Hierarchy Reform to Create Cities in China," Journal of Urban Economics (2020)
- 2019-07-01
- Centralization and Regional Development: Evidence from a Political Hierarchy Reform to Create Cities in China
- Jinseong Park(合作者:Donald J. Bruce, Celeste K. Carruthers, Matthew C. Harris, Matthew N. Murray), "Do in-kind grants stick? The Department of Defense 1033 program and local government spending," Journal of Urban Economics (2019)
- 2019-05-30
- 我院助理教授Jinseong Park合作论文发表于城市经济学领域顶尖期刊。
- 陈祎(合作者:Maurizio Mazzocco, Bela Szemely), "Explaining the Decline of the U.S. Saving Rate: the Role of Health Expenditure," International Economic Review (2019)
- 2019-03-06
- International Economic Review是经济学科领域的国际权威期刊,被认为是世界经济学中最主要的期刊之一。
- 薄诗雨、宋彦、徐吉良(合作者:JingLiu, Sen Zhou),
- 2018-12-18
- 我院助理教授薄诗雨、宋彦、徐吉良的合作论文发表于国际知名期刊Economics of Education Review。
- 王武毅(合作者:Peter C. B. Phillips, Liangjun Su), "The heterogeneous effects of the minimum wage on employment across states," Economics Letters (2018)
- 2018-11-05
- The heterogeneous effects of the minimum wage on employment across states