

摘要题目:Sad Scales and Happy Times: Eliciting Cardinal Information from Ordered Response Data

题目:Sad Scales and Happy Times: Eliciting Cardinal Information from Ordered Response Data





刘烁,2019年毕业于瑞士苏黎世大学经济系,获博士学位,现为北京大学光华管理学院应用经济系助理教授。目前主要研究领域为组织经济学,产业组织理论,机制设计和博弈论。研究成果发表于Theoretical Economics, RAND Journal of Economics, European Economic Review, Games and Economic Behavior, Economic Theory等国际知名学术期刊。


Surveys have become an important tool in economics and in social science more broadly. However, it is well known that common methods (e.g., ordered probit) used to analyze ordinal survey data require strong, and often unjustified distributional assumptions. In this paper, we propose using observable survey response times to solve that problem. Our main identifying assumption is that individual response time is decreasing in the distance between the value of the latent variable and an indecision threshold. We provide conditions under which the expected values of the latent variables can be compared across groups, even without making any distributional assumptions. We show how our method can be implemented in practice and give rise to new insights by applying it to an online survey experiment.
