- 刘诗濛,孙伟增(合作者:John V. Winters), "Up in STEM, Down in Business: Changing College Major Decisions with the Great Recession," Contemporary Economic Policy (2018)
- 2018-05-15
- Up in STEM, Down in Business: Changing College Major Decisions with the Great Recession
- 李书娟(合作者:毕青苗 陈希路 徐现祥),《行政审批改革与企业进入》,《经济研究》(2018)
- 2018-05-03
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- 冯帅章 (合作者:Jiandong Sun, Yingyao Hu), "On the Robustness of Alternative Unemployment Measures," Economics Letters (2018)
- 2018-02-23
- On the Robustness of Alternative Unemployment Measures
- 卢晶亮,《城镇劳动者工资不平等的演化:1995——2013》,《经济学(季刊)》(2018)
- 2018-02-23
- 《城镇劳动者工资不平等的演化:1995——2013》
- 张思思 (合作者:Robert Moffitt), "Income Volatility and the PSID:Past Research and New Results," American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings (2018)
- 2018-02-23
- Income Volatility and the PSID:Past Research and New Results", American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings
- 冯帅章 (合作者:Lars Lefgren, Brennan C. Platt, Bingyong Zheng),"Job Search under Asymmetric Information: Endogenous Wage Dispersion and Unemployment Stigma," Economic Theory (2018)
- 2018-02-23
- Job Search under Asymmetric Information: Endogenous Wage Dispersion and Unemployment Stigma
- 史炜(合作者:Lung-fei Lee), "The Effects of Gun Control on Crimes: A Spatial Interactive Fixed-Effects," Empirical Economics (2018)
- 2018-02-23
- The Effects of Gun Control on Crimes: A Spatial Interactive Fixed-Effects
- 冯帅章(合作者:Lars Lefgren Brennan C. Platt Bingyong Zheng), "Job Search under Asymmetric Information: Endogenous Wage Dispersion and Unemployment Stigma," Economic Theory (2018)
- 2018-01-16
- Job Search under Asymmetric Information: Endogenous Wage Dispersion and Unemployment Stigma
- 史炜(合作者:Lung-fei Lee), "The Effects of Gun Control on Crimes: A Spatial Interactive Fixed-Effects," Empirical Economics (2018)
- 2018-01-16
- The Effects of Gun Control on Crimes: A Spatial Interactive Fixed-Effects
- 冯帅章, 张思思,"Have U.S. Family Wealth Recovered from the Great Recession," The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy (2018)
- 2018-01-16
- Have U.S. Family Wealth Recovered from the Great Recession