
邱筠(合作者:Yin Chu, J. Scott Holladay, Xian-Liang Tian, Maigeng Zhou),“Air pollution and mortality impacts of coal mining: Evidence from coalmine accidents in China”,Journal of Environmental Economics and Management(2024))

摘要Air pollution and mortality impacts of coal mining: Evidence from coalmine accidents in China

近日,我院副教授邱筠合作论文“Air pollution and mortality impacts of coal mining: Evidence from coalmine accidents in China”(合作者:Yin Chu, J. Scott Holladay, Xian-Liang Tian,  Maigeng Zhou)被环境经济学顶级期 Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 接受发表。


We leverage the timing of coalmine accidents to examine the effect of coal mining on air pollution. Safety regulations mandate that coal mining be suspended if a mine experiences an accident with 10 or more fatalities. We use a stacked difference-in-differences approach to compare counties with an accident to those experiencing an accident more than two years earlier or later. We provide evidence that the timing of accidents cannot be predicted. Next, we combine satellite-based air pollution data at the county-day level with the dates of accidents to show that on average, suspending coal mining reduces local air pollution by 8%. Changes in the level of coal consumption do not drive this reduction. We also find significant decreases in respiratory mortality after suspending coal mining with particularly large effects on vulnerable populations.


邱筠,现任暨南大学经济与社会研究院副教授,于2011年获得北京大学经济学和统计学学士学位,于2016年获得美国俄亥俄州立大学农业、环境和发展经济学博士学位。她的研究领域为环境资源经济学、健康经济学,已有多篇研究成果发表于Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Journal of Population Economics, Southern Economic Journal, China Economic Review, The Lancet 子刊等国际权威期刊。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,获Journal of Population Economics 2021年最佳论文奖、北京大学全球健康青年学者奖。
