题目:Does Left-behind Experience Reshape Children’s Preferences?
周晔馨,北京师范大学经济与资源管理研究院教授、博导,北京大学经济学博士,九三学社社员。英国牛津大学、瑞典隆德大学、斯德哥尔摩经济学院访问学者。主要研究领域为劳动经济学、社会资本、行为与实验经济学、创新经济学等。曾获得北京大学优秀博士论文奖,主持国家社会科学基金、国家自然科学基金面上项目等国家级多项课题。主要论文见于European Economic Review、《经济研究》、《管理世界》和《世界经济》等SSCI/CSSCI学术期刊。担任《经济研究》、《管理世界》等期刊匿名审稿人,以及担任国家自然科学基金和国家社会科学基金评审专家。
China has witnessed sizable rural-urban migration, which has far-reaching impacts on the development of left-behind children (LBC). Using a large-scale field experiment to measure the preferences of 1,632 rural children aged 6 to 16 in China, we found that being left behind generally influences children’s social preferences and risk preferences. Children with migrating parents are more risk-loving, more altruistic, and trust other people more, but less trustworthy. We further categorized LBC into four groups and find that the observed effects are mainly driven when both parents are absent. We also discussed how parent-child and peer interactions (i.e., family reunion, remote communication with parents, having siblings, and boarding experience) could reduce the effects.