
环境经济学讲座系列 | 第12期

摘要Irrigation and the Spatial Pattern of Structural Transformation in India

IESR Environmental Economics Seminar Series 由暨南大学经济与社会研究院生态文明与环境经济学研究中心举办。讲座系列邀请环境经济学学者分享相关领域内的最新研究。

题目: Irrigation and the Spatial Pattern of Structural Transformation in India

主讲人:Ram Fishman,特拉维夫大学

时间:2021年11月29日15: 00-16:30(北京时间)



Ram Fishman is an Assistant Professor of public policy at Tel Aviv University (TAU). Prior to coming to TAU, he was an assistant professor of Economics at George Washington University, and prior to that, a Giorgio Ruffolo Post-doctoral Fellow in Sustainability Science at the Harvard Kennedy School. 


Ram Fishman is an expert in sustainable development. He holds a PhD in Sustainable Development from Columbia University. His research is focused on empirical and quantitative analyses of sustainable agriculture, water scarcity and climate change, with an emphasis on developing countries. He directs a research group at TAU that is running multiple empirical field projects in Israel, South Asia and Africa.


Improvements in agricultural productivity have theoretically ambiguous impacts on economic development, as gains in agricultural incomes may come at the expense of non-agricultural growth. We study the impacts of 1,500 large-scale irrigation projects in India, which brought irrigation water to more than 250,000 villages. To identify treatment effects, we use high-resolution spatial data, and exploit discontinuities in program inclusion arising at project boundaries. We show that villages in program areas experienced increases in agricultural output, population, and wealth. However, in nearby towns, projects caused a decline in population, non-agricultural employment, and firm activity, ultimately impeding the process of structural transformation.



生态文明与环境经济学中心(Center for Ecological Civilization and Environmental Economics )成立于2019年4月。中心依托于暨南大学经济与社会研究院,旨在通过加强海内外交流合作,推动对中国生态文明与环境经济问题的研究。中心将致力于成为国际一流的高校科研中心,在产出一系列高水平学术研究成果的同时,结合国家及广东地区生态环境问题的现实需求开展政策研究。
