
严子中(合作者:Victor Lavy,Giulia Lotti),"Empowering Mothers and Enhancing Early Childhood Investment: Effect on Adults Outcomes and Children Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Skills," Journal of Human Resources (2020)

摘要Empowering Mothers and Enhancing Early Childhood Investment: Effect on Adults Outcomes and Children Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Skills

我院助理教授严子中的合作论文“Empowering Mothers and Enhancing Early Childhood Investment: Effect on Adults Outcomes and Children Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Skills”(合作者:Victor Lavy,Giulia Lotti)被应用微观经济学顶级期刊之一的Journal of Human Resources接受发表。


Empowering women and enhancing children’s early development are two important goals often pursued via independent policy initiatives. In this paper we study a unique approach that targets both at the same time. AVSI, an Italian NGO, provides family advisor-guided parent training sessions in a poor neighborhood of Quito, Ecuador. We find that the program empowered women in various dimensions, including higher likelihood of employment in the formal-sector and wages. Treated mothers have a greater role in intra-household decisions, especially on children’s education and discipline and increase parental inputs into their children’s development. Treated children improve their cognitive and non-cognitive skills.


