题目:Starving and Deceiving: Famine Experience, Politician Risk Preference, and GDP Manipulation in China
陈硕,复旦大学经济系教授,研究兴趣主要集中于发展经济学、政治经济学、经济史及应用微观计量经济学。陈硕的英文研究发表在American Political Science Review、American Economic Journal: Applied Economics及Journal of Economic Growth等经济学及政治科学期刊上;中文成果也发表在《经济研究》 《金融研究》 《管理世界》 《世界经济》 《统计研究》 《经济学(季刊)》等国内期刊上。
Recent studies have found that the childhood experience of natural disasters shape people’s behaviors by changing their risk preferences. Yet less studies explore whether natural disasters would change politicians’ behaviors. Based on a novel dataset covering information on 5,389 county party secretaries in China, this article empirically explore whether the childhood experience of famine affects officials’ GDP manipulation behavior. We find that officials who experienced famine in childhood are less likely to cheat on GDP data. The results are robust after controlling for a range of socio-economic indicators, the level of promotion incentives for officials, and other shocks. Further empirical evidence reveals that famine experiences make officials risk averse through the above mechanisms.