4月27日下午,我院助理教授唐曲受厦门大学经济学院与王亚南研究院邀请,在厦门大学经济学院楼N303作学术报告,她为师生们分享了自己与合作者(Peng Zhang,Yingquan Song )正在进行的论文“Temperature Effects on Human Capital: Evidence from College Entrance Examination in China”,论文摘要如下:
This paper examines the potential short-run and long-run effects of temperature on human capital production. We use college entrance examination scores as a measure of human capital. This exam is extremely important for Chinese students, since it is almost the only admission requirement for higher education and has crucial influence on a student’s future income and career. Exploiting the random fluctuations in temperature across counties, we identify the contemporaneous temperature effects on the exam scores with county fixed effects models. We find that 1 oC increase in the maximum temperature on the exam days reduces exam scores by 0.17%, which is equivalent to 1.3 points. Moreover, these contemporaneous effects have longer consequences on human capital accumulation by reducing a student’s probability of getting into a better college. We are also exploring the persistent effects of exposure to high temperature during the period in a student’s early lives.