4月28日下午,经济与社会研究院助理教授史炜受邀参加上海财经大学经济学院第773期学术讲座,于上海财经大学经济学院402室作了题为“A Dynamic Model of Reverse Mortgage Borrower Behavior”的学术报告,史炜老师分享了他与Jason Blevins, Donald Haurin, Stephanie Moulton的合作论文。论文摘要如下:
We carry out an empirical analysis of the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) program using a unique and detailed dataset on the behavior of HECM borrowers from 2006–2012 to semiparametrically estimate a structural, dynamic discrete choice model of borrower behavior. Our estimator is based on a new identification result for models with multiple terminating actions where we show that the utility function is identified without the need to impose ad hoc identifying restrictions (i.e., assuming that the payoff for one choice is zero). Such restrictions can lead to incorrect counterfactual choice probabilities and welfare calculations. Our estimates, which are not based on such an assumption, provide insights about the factors that influence HECM refinance, default, and termination decisions. We use the results to quantify the trade-offs involved for proposed program modifications through a series of counterfactual simulations. We find that income and credit requirements would indeed be effective in reducing undesirable HECM outcomes, at the expense of excluding some borrowers, and we quantify the relative welfare losses due to restricting access to the program. We also investigate how shocks to housing prices affect HECM outcomes and household welfare.