Shiyu Bo(暨南大学)分享了题为"The Value of Centralization"的论文报告。
Hongjia Zhu(暨南大学)分享了题为"Natural Disasters and Human Capital: Evidence from the 2008 Sichuan Earthquake"的论文报告。
Shucai(暨南大学)分享了题为"Can Mircorcredit Program Crowd out Informal Financial Networks? Evidence from a Randomized Control Trial in China "的论文报告。
Naijia Guo(香港中文大学)分享了题为" Labor market dynamics in urban China and the role of the state sector"的论文报告。
Lijuan Yin(暨南大学)分享了题为"Quantifying the welfare effect of Chinese capital-biased production"的论文报告。
来自匹兹堡大学的Daniel M. Berkowitz教授受邀参与本次研讨会,对各位老师的论文提出了建设性的意见。现场气氛活跃,与会的学者们针对工作论文中的问题展开了热烈的讨论。下午3时,研讨会圆满结束,感谢各位学者带来精彩的论文分享。