史炜,暨南大学经济与社会研究院教授,博士生导师,美国俄亥俄州立大学经济学博士。主要研究领域为微观计量经济学。研究议题涉及空间计量模型、网络数据分析等计量方法的理论与应用研究,健康的社会环境决定因素,住房市场结构与房价波动,城市空间结构,房贷的风险分析等。研究成果发表于International Economic Review, Journal of Econometrics, Journal of Urban Economics, Journal of Population Economics, China Economic Review等国际权威期刊。论文获得2021年度Journal of Population Economics最佳论文奖。主持2项国家自然科学基金项目和1项教育部人文社会科学青年基金项目。
Qiu, Yun, Yunning Liu, Wei Shi, and Maigeng Zhou. “The Impact of Ozone Pollution on Mortality: Evidence from China.”Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 125 (2024), 102980., https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jeem.2024.102980.
Hu, Lanyue, and Wei Shi. “Urban Consumption Dissimilarities and Subjective Wellbeing: Evidence from Mobile Big Data in China.” Economics Letters, October 2023, 111412. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.econlet.2023.111412.
Wei Shi and Jingran Wei, In the crossfire: Multinational companies and consumer boycotts, China Economic Review, 2023(77), 101882.
Xi Chen, Yun Qiu, Wei Shi, and Pei Yu, Key links in network interactions: Assessing route-specific travel restrictions in China during the Covid-19 pandemic, China Economic Review, 2022.
Wei Wang, Yunning, Liu, Pengpeng Ye, Chengdong Xu, Yun Qiu, Peng Yin, Jiangmei Liu, Jinlei Qi, Jinling You, Lin Lin, Lijun Wang, Junming Li, Wei Shi, and Maigeng Zhou, Spatial variations and social determinants of life expectancy in China, 2005-2020: A population-based spatial panel modelling study, The Lancet Regional Health – Western Pacific, 2022(23), 100451.
Jason Blevins, Wei Shi, Donald Haurin, and Stephanie Moulton, A Dynamic Discrete Choice Model of Reverse Mortgage Borrower Behavior, International Economic Review, 2020(61), pp.1437-1477.
Yun Qiu, Xi Chen and Wei Shi, Impacts of Social and Economic Factors on the Transmission of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in China, Journal of Population Economics, 2020.
Wei Shi and Lung-fei Lee, The Effects of Gun Control on Crimes: A Spatial Interactive Fixed-Effects Approach, Empirical Economics, 2018(55), pp.233-263.
Donald Haurin, Stephanie Moulton and Wei Shi, The Accuracy of Senior Households’ Estimates of Home Values: Application to the Reverse Mortgage Decision, Real Estate Economics, 2018(46), pp.655-697.
Wei Shi and Lung-fei Lee, A Spatial Panel Data Model with Time Varying Endogenous Weights Matrices and Common Factors, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2018(72), pp.6-34.
Wei Shi and Lung-fei Lee, Spatial Dynamic Panel Data Models with Interactive Fixed Effects, Journal of Econometrics, 2017(197), pp.323-347.
Donald Haurin, Chao Ma, Stephanie Moulton, Max Schmeiser, Jason Seligman and Wei Shi, Spatial Variation in Reverse Mortgages Usage: House Price Dynamics and Consumer Selection, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 2016(53), pp.392-417.
Stephanie Moulton, Donald Haurin and Wei Shi, An Analysis of Default Risk in the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) Program, Journal of Urban Economics, 2015(90), pp.17-34.
Kuznets Prize for the best paper published in the Journal of Population Economics in 2020.