我院副院长张思思,助理教授刘诗濛、杨尚铭,硕士研究生何帅一行4人参加了本次会议。助理教授刘诗濛的论文“Human Capital Externalities or Consumption Spillovers? The Effect of High-Skill Human Capital across Low-Skill Labor Markets”获得本届年会最佳论文奖。
Previous studies often interpret the positive impact of high-skill human capital on the mean wages of low-skill workers as evidence of human capital externalities. We uncover a distributional wage effect that is difficult to reconcile with standard models of human capital externalities: the city-level share of college graduates has a positive impact on the wages of low-skill workers at the lower, but not the upper, quantiles of the wage distribution. We then provide a comprehensive assessment and discussion of the effect of high-skill human capital on wages of low-skill workers in different sectors. We find a large and positive wage effect in the service sector but not in the manufacturing sector. These findings invite reinterpretation of previous studies on human capital externalities in low-skill labor markets, because the positive wage effect in the service sector is more likely to be explained by consumption spillovers generated by college-educated workers.
他的研究领域集中在城市与房地产经济学,劳动经济学和中国经济方面。论文成果发表于Journal of Urban Economics、Journal of Real Estate Research、Journal of Regional Science等国际知名期刊。