近日,我院副教授唐立鑫的合作论文"The Alibaba effect: Spatial consumption inequality and welfare gains from e-commerce"(合作者:美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学樊静霆、西班牙IESE商学院朱未名、美国密歇根州立大学邹奔)发表于国际经济学顶级期刊Journal of International Economics。
Domestic trade costs reduce aggregate welfare and result in worse access to consumption goods in small and remote cities. As a new trade technology, e-commerce can increase inter-city trade and alleviate spatial consumption inequality because it (1) eliminates the fixed cost of market entry, and (2) reduces the effects of distance on trade costs. Using unique data from China's leading e-commerce platform, we provide evidence consistent with these two features: online trade is less hindered by distance relative to offline trade, and residents from smaller and more remote cities spend a larger fraction of their income online. We then build a multi-region general equilibrium model to quantify the impacts of e-commerce on domestic trade and welfare. We find that although it partially crowds out inter-city trade originally taking place offline, the emergence of e-commerce increases the aggregate domestic trade. The welfare gains from e-commerce are 1.6% on average, and are about 30% larger for cities in the smallest population and market potential quintiles.
唐立鑫现为暨南大学经济与社会研究院副教授。2010年毕业于美国贝茨学院,2015年获得马里兰大学帕克分校经济学博士学位。2015年至2018年就职于上海财经大学商学院(原国际工商管理学院)。研究领域为国际贸易学、发展经济学和宏观经济学。已有研究成果发表于Journal of Human Resources和Journal of Development Economics。