

现任暨南大学经济学院院长,经济与社会研究院院长,乡村振兴研究院院长,教授,暨南大学学术委员会副主任委员。“全国农村留守儿童关爱保护和困境儿童保障工作先进个人”(2021),首届“中国青年经济学家奖”获得者(2019),第三批国家“万人计划”哲学社会科学领军人才(2017),中宣部文化名家暨“四个一批”人才  (2017),国家杰出青年科学基金获得者(2014),百千万人才工程国家级人选(2014),教育部长江学者特聘教授(2012),享受国务院政府特殊津贴专家。2006年获美国康奈尔大学经济学博士学位,曾在美国普林斯顿大学和香港中文大学从事访问研究工作。长期从事劳动经济学和中国经济等领域的学术研究,研究议题涵盖人口流动、早期人力资本培育、收入分配、劳动力市场等多个方面,担任人口经济学权威期刊Journal of Population Economics 共同主编(editor)。在American Economic Review、Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America、Review of Economics and Statistics、Journal of Population Economics、Journal of Comparative Economics、 Journal of Environmental Economics and Management、Economic Theory、《经济研究》《经济学》(季刊)等国内外知名期刊发表论文四十余篇。







2006 康奈尔大学(美国) 经济学博士

2001 乔治华盛顿大学(美国) 经济学硕士

1997 复旦大学 经济学硕士(国际金融专业)

1994 华东工业大学(现上海理工大学)经济学学士(会计学专业)







中宣部文化名家暨“四个一批”人才  (2017)




国家杰出青年科学基金  (2014)







[37] Shuaizhang Feng, Yujie Han, James J. Heckman, Tim Kautz, “Comparing the reliability and predictive power of child, teacher, and guardian reports of noncognitive skills”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2022. DOI: 0.1073/pnas.2113992119


[36] Feng Shuaizhang, Han, Yujie, Huanguang Qiu, “Does crop insurance reduce pesticides usage: evidence from China”, China Economic Review, forthcoming.


[35] Sun, Jiandong, Shuaizhang Feng, Yingyao Hu “Misclassification Errors in Labor Force Statuses and the Early Identification of Economic Recessions”, Journal of Asian Economics, forthcoming.


[34] Feng Shuaizhang, Naijia Guo “Labor Market Dynamics in Urban China and the Role of the State Sector”. Journal of Comparative Economics, 49(4), 2021, 918-932.


[33] Chen, Yuanyuan, Shuaizhang Feng, James J. Heckman, Tim Kautz “Sensitivity of non-cognitive measures to survey conditions”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2019.


[32] Chen, Yuanyuan, Shuaizhang Feng, Yujie Han “The effect of primary school type on the high school opportunities of migrant children in China”. Journal of Comparative Economics, forthcoming.

[31] Chen, Yuanyuan, Shuaizhang Feng, “The education of migrant children in China’s urban public elementary schools: Evidence from Shanghai”. China Economic Review 54, 2019, 390-402.


[30] Feng, Shuaizhang, Gaojie Tang, Accounting for Urban China's Rising Income Inequality: The Roles of Labor Market, Human Capital, and Marriage Market Factors”. Economic Inquiry 57(2), 2019, 997-1015.


[29] Chen, Yuanyuan, Shuaizhang Feng, Yujie Han. “Education of migrant children: A review of the literature”. Frontiers of Economics in China, forthcoming.


[28] Heckman James J., Shuaizhang Feng. China’s Investments in Skills, Frontiers of Economics in China, 13(4), 2018 , 531-558.


[27] Feng, Shuaizhang, Yingyao Hu, Jiandong Sun On the Robustness of Alternative Unemployment Measures, Economics Letters,2018(166), 1-5.


[26] Feng, Shuaizhang, Lars Lefgren, Brennan C. Platt, Bingyong Zheng, “Job search under asymmetric information: endogenous wage dispersion and unemployment stigma”, Economic Theory, 2017(24), 1-35.


[25] Zhang, Sisi, Shuaizhang Feng, “Understanding the unequal post-great recession wealth recovery for American Families”, BE journal of Economic Analysis and Policy,  2017(17).


[24] Feng, Shuaizhang, Yingyao Hu, Robert Moffitt. “Long Run Trends in Unemployment and Labor Force Participation in China”, Journal of Comparative Economics, 2017(45), 304-324.


[23] Chen, Yuanyuan, Shuaizhang Feng, “Quality of migrant schools in China: evidence from a longitudinal study in Shanghai”, Journal of Population Economics, 2017(30), 1007-1034.


[22] Bohra-Mishra, Pratikshya, Michael Oppenheimer, RuohongCai, ShuaizhangFeng, Rachel Licker, “Climate Change and Migration in the Philippines”, Population and Environment, 2017(38), 286-308.


[21] Cai, Ruohong, Shuaizhang Feng, Michael Oppenheimer, MariolaPytlikova,“Climate variability and international migration: the importance of the agricultural linkage”, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management79, 2016, 135-151.


[20] Cai, Ruohong, NeliEsipova, Michael Oppenheimer, and ShuaizhangFeng, International migration desires related to subjective well-being, IZA Journal of Migration3(1), 2014, 1-20.


[19] Feng, Shuaizhang. “Identification and statistical inference using matched March CPS data, with an application to U.S. poverty dynamics”, Journal of Economic and Social Measurement38, 2013, 159-170.


[18] Chen, Yuanyuan, Shuaizhang Feng, “Access to public schools and the education of migrant children in China”. China Economic Review 26, 2013, 75-88.


[17] Feng, Shuaizhang, Yingyao Hu. “Misclassification errors and the underestimation of U.S. unemployment rates”. American Economic Review103(2), 2013, 1054-1070.


[16] Feng, Shuaizhang, Michael Oppenheimer. Applying statistical models to the climate-migration relationship. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 109(43), 2012, E2915.


[15] Burkhauser, Richard V., ShuaizhangFeng, Stephen Jenkins and Jeff Larrimore. “Recent Trends in Top Income Shares in the USA: Reconciling Estimates from March CPS and IRS Tax Return Data” Review of Economics and Statistics94(2), 2012, 371-388. (Lead Article)


[14] Chen, Yuanyuan, Shuaizhang Feng. “Parental Education and Children’s Wages: Evidence from China.” Frontiers of Economics in China 6(4), 2011, 568-591.


[13] Burkhauser, Richard V., ShuaizhangFeng, Stephen Jenkins and Jeff Larrimore. “Trends in United States Income Inequality Using the Internal March Current Population Survey:  The Importance of Controlling for Censoring.”  Journal of Economic Inequality9, 2011, 393–415.


[12] Jenkins, Stephen P., Richard V. Burkhauser, ShuaizhangFeng, and Jeff Larrimore. “Measuring Inequality Using Censored Data: A Multiple Imputation Approach.” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A174, part 1,2011, 63-81.


[11] Feng, Shuaizhang, Alan B. Krueger, Michael Oppenheimer. “Linkages Among Climate Change, Crop Yields and Mexico-US Cross-border Migration” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America107(32), 2010, 14257-14262.


[10] Burkhauser, Richard V., ShuaizhangFeng, and Jeff Larrimore.“ Improving imputations of top incomes in the public-use Current Population Survey by using both cell-means and variances.”Economics Letters108, 2010, 69-72.


[9] Burkhauser, Richard V., ShuaizhangFeng, and Stephen Jenkins. “Using a P90/P10 Ratio to Measure Inequality Trends with the Public Use Current Population Survey: A View from Inside the Census Bureau Vaults.” The Review of Income and Wealth 55(1), 2009, 166-185.


[8] Feng, Shuaizhang. “Longitudinal Matching of Recent Current Population Surveys: Methods, Non-matches and Mismatches.” Journal of Economic and Social Measurement33(4), 2008, 241-252.


[7] Larrimore, Jeff, Richard V. Burkhauser, ShuaizhangFeng and Laura Zayatz. “Consistent Cell Means for Topcoded Incomes in the Public Use March CPS (1976-2007).” Journal of Economic and Social Measurement 33(2-3), 2008, 89-128.


[6] Feng, Shuaizhang and Richard V. Burkhauser.“Generalized Percentile Ratios as Robust Measures of Labor Earnings Inequality.”International Journal of Data Analysis Techniques and Strategies 1(2), 2008, 117-125.


[5] Feng, Shuaizhang, Richard V. Burkhauser and J.S. Butler. “Levels and Long-Term Trends in Earnings Inequality: Overcoming Current Population Survey Censoring Problems Using the GB2 Distribution,” Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 24(1), 2006, 57-62.


[4] Feng, Shuaizhang. “Rationality and Self-control: The Implications for Smoking Cessation.”Journal of Socio-economics 34, 2005, 211-222.


[3] Feng, Shuaizhang. “Detecting errors in the Current Population Survey: A Matching Approach.”Economics Letters82(2), 2004, 189-194.


[2] Burkhauser, Richard V., J.S. Butler, ShuaizhangFeng, Andrew J. Houtenville. “Long Term Trends in Earnings Inequality:  What the CPS Can Tell Us,” Economics Letters 82(2), 2004, 295-299. 


[1] Feng, Shuaizhang. “The Longitudinal Matching of Current Population Surveys: A Proposed Algorithm.”Journal of Economic and Social Measurement 27(1-2), 2001, 71-91.





[9] 卢晶亮,孙坚栋,冯帅章,样本选择偏误与性别工资差距,计量经济学报,已录用。


[8] 卢晶亮,陈技伟,冯帅章,人的城镇化:农民工的城市劳动力市场融入,劳动经济研究,已录用。


[7] 陈技伟,冯帅章,高校扩招对中等职业教育的影响,经济学(季刊)已接受。


[6] 李志龙,陈技伟,冯帅章,2020,房价上涨对已婚女性生育率的影响,劳动经济研究8卷第5期。


[5] 卢晶亮,冯帅章,2015,贸易开放、劳动力流动与城镇劳动者性别工资差距,财经研究41卷第12期。


[4] 卢晶亮,冯帅章,艾春荣,2014,自然灾害及政府救助对农户收入与消费的影响:来自汶川大地震的经验,经济学(季刊)13卷第2期。


[3] 冯帅章,陈媛媛,2012,学校类型与流动儿童的教育-来自上海的经验证据, 经济学(季刊)11卷第4期。


[2] 许玲丽,冯帅章,陈小龙,2008,成人高等教育的工资效应,经济研究 2008年第12期。


[1] 艾春荣, 冯帅章, 吴玉玲,2007,微观统计数据的公布及相应的保密方法,统计研究 24卷第6期。


Cui Xiaomeng, Feng Shuaizhang (2020) Climate Change and Migration. In: Zimmermann K. (eds) Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics. Springer.


Feng, Shuaizhang, Jingliang Lu, Patrick Nolen, Lei Wang (2016). “The effect of the Wenchuan Earthquake and Government Aid on Rural Household”, Chapter 2 in Earthquake Lessons from China: Coping and Rebuilding Strategies, edited by Kevin Chen, Qiang Zhang, and Claire Hsu, International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington DC, 2016.


冯帅章,陈媛媛,金嘉捷。《城市的未来:流动儿童教育的上海模式,》上海财经大学出版社, 2017。




陈媛媛, 冯帅章,韩昱洁。流动儿童的教育问题:文献评述。韩嘉玲主编《中国流动儿童教育发展报告(2019-2020) 》,社会科学文献出版社,2020。






国家自然科学基金面上项目“留守儿童的认知与非认知能力发展研究”【项目编号:71773037】  ,2018-2021

国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目“劳动力市场与收入分配”【项目编号:71425005 】 ,2015-2018




