2017年12月17日,由暨南大学经济与社会研究院(IESR)、香港中文大学经济系、厦门大学王亚南经济研究院联合主办的“2017现代劳动经济学国际研讨会”进入到第二日议程。斯坦福大学教授李宏彬、罗格斯大学教授Jennifer Hunt、加州大学-圣塔芭芭拉大学教授Peter Kuhn作为主讲嘉宾发表主题演讲。来自香港科技大学、香港岭南大学、匹兹堡大学、新南威尔士大学、新加坡国立大学、香港中文大学、清华大学、上海交通大学、中山大学、武汉大学、厦门大学、同济大学、中央财经大学、上海财经大学等高校的学者报告了各自的论文,论文主题包含家庭、劳动力市场、家庭与婚姻市场、社会问题、代际流动性。
斯坦福大学教授李宏彬分享了题为“Does CEO Know Best?”的论文
罗格斯大学教授Jennifer Hunt分享了题为“Why Are Fewer Workers Earning Middle Wages and Is It a Bad Thing?”的论文
加州大学-圣塔芭芭拉大学教授Peter Kuhn分享了题为“Gender-Targeted Job Ads in the Recruitment Process: Evidence from China”的论文
香港浸会大学张宏亮报告了论文“School Access, Female Education and Fertility: Evidence from Jordan”
香港岭南大学姚羽欣报告了论文“Sex Ratio and Timing of the First Marriage: Evidence from the One-and-A-Half-Children Policy in China”
暨南大学陈祎报告了论文“The Power of the Government: China's Family Planning Leading Group and the Fertility Decline since 1970”
厦门大学傅十和报告了论文“International Travel Costs and Local Housing Markets”
清华大学徐之恒报告了论文“Migrants' (In)Stability: Evidence from Xiamen Employment Registration Records”
新加坡国立大学李莉报告了论文“Early Life Exposure to Tap Water and the Development of Cognitive Skills”
香港中文大学(深圳)罗钦月报告了论文 “Language Proficiency and Social Assimilation”
厦门大学叶茂亮报告了论文 “The Long-term Effect of Early Adversity on Mental Well-being: Evidence from the 1959-1961 Great Famine in China”
浙江大学熊艳艳报告了论文“Time Allocation of Mothers with Young Children in China”
云南师范大学任薇薇报告了论文 “Marriage Search with Active Search Decision: Theory and Application to Parents Searching on Behalf of their Adult Children in China”
新南威尔士大学张晓芸报告了论文“When Mommies Become Nannies: The Effects of Parental Retirement Across Generations”
新加坡国立大学李莉报告了论文“Access to Treated Water in Utero and Childhood Well-Being: Evidence from Rural China”
华南理工大学杨松涛报告了论文 “Does Female Education Reduce Teen Births? Quasi-Experimental Evidence from the UK”
暨南大学宋彦报告了论文“Nonlinear features in China's New Cooperative Medical Scheme and Impacts on Enrollees' Health Care Demand and Health Status”
Intergenerational Mobility主题论文报告
新加坡国立大学樊漪报告了论文 “The Changing Transition of Economic Status across Generations in China”
华中科技大学万千报告了论文 “The Effect of Education Expansion on Intergenerational Mobility of Education: Evidence from China”
暨南大学韩昱洁报告了论文 “The long run effects of attending low-quality schools: Evidence from China's migrant children”
上海财经大学陈诚报告了论文“The Relationship between Family Size and Parent's Labor Supply and Occupational Prestige: Evidence from Taiwan”
华南师范大学罗艺旸报告了论文“Is the Quantity-Quality Trade-Off Real? Quasi-Experimental Evidence from China”
上海交通大学梁超报告了论文 “Bride Price and Sex Ratio: Evidence from China”
Labor Market主题论文报告
宁波诺丁汉大学周明海报告了论文“Direct Election of Union Chairman as a Working Mechanism in China: Size Matters”
同济大学蔡晓鸣报告了论文“Efficiency of Wage Bargaining with On-the-job Search”
厦门大学蒙莉娜报告了论“The Crowding Out Effect of Real Estate on Labor Market: Micro Evidence from Migration Population”
Social Issues主题论文报告
复旦大学李怀露报告了论文“Extorting the Unbanked: Evidence from Singapore's Unlicensed Money Lending Market”
中国人民大学赵丽秋报告了论文“Does Education Shape Gender Role Attitudes? Evidence from China”