
2017 International Symposium on Contemporary Labor Economics

Institute for Economic and Social Research, Jinan University

December 16-17, 2017

Venue: Zhonghui Building (中惠楼)

Each keynote consists of 40-minute presentation and 5-minute open discussions. A parallel session consists of 3 presentations. Each presenter is allocated 25 minutes presentation time and 5 minutes for open discussions. The last presenter in a parallel session is designated session chair, who will maintain the program schedule.





December 15, Friday

14:00 - 18:00

Registration desks at Huaweida and   Vanburgh Hotel

December 16, Saturday

8:00 - 8:30

Registration, Coffee

8:30 - 8:45

Opening Remarks by Professor Shuaizhang   Feng


8:45 - 10:15

1.5 hours

Keynote: Mark Rosenzweig, Kevin   Lang


Group Photo & Coffee


10:30 - 12:00

1.5 hours

Parallel Sessions A1, B1, C1

323, 321, 106

Buffet Lunch


13:30 - 15:00

1.5 hours

Keynote: Jonathan Guryan, Junsen Zhang


Coffee Break


15:15 - 16:45

1.5 hours

Parallel Sessions A2, B2, C2

323, 321, 106

Coffee Break


17:00 - 18:30

1.5 hours

Parallel Sessions A3, B3, C3

323, 321, 106

December 17, Sunday

8:45 - 10:15

1.5 hours

Keynote: Hongbin Li, Jennifer Hunt


Coffee Break


10:30 - 12:00

1.5 hours

Parallel Sessions A4, B4, C4

323, 321, 106

Buffet Lunch


13:30 - 14:15

45 minutes

Keynote: Peter Kuhn


Coffee Break


14:30 - 16:00

1.5 hours

Parallel Sessions A5, B5, C5

323, 321, 106

Coffee Break


16:15 - 17:45

1.5 hours

Parallel Sessions A6, B6, C6

323, 321, 106


Detailed Program


Day 1, Saturday, December 16


8:30-8:45        Opening Remarks (Conference Room 323)

Chair: Wei Shi, Jinan University

Welcome speech by Shuaizhang Feng, Jinan University


8:45-10:15     Keynote 1 (Conference Room 323)

         Chair: Sisi Zhang, Jinan University

Mark Rosenzweig, Yale University, “Are There Too Many Farms in the World? Labor-Market Transaction Costs, Machine Capacities and Optimal Farm Size”

Kevin Lang, Boston University, “The Determinants of Teachers’ Occupational Choice”


10:15-10:30  Group Photo and Coffee Break


10:30-12:00  Parallel Sessions: A1, B1, C1

Session A1: Family (Conference Room 323)

         Chair: Minqiang (Kent) Zhao, Xiamen University

         Qing Wang, Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School, “Grandchild Care and Female Labor Supply: Evidence from a Universal Child Care Program in China”

         Zhe Yang, Jinan University, “Cohabitation or Marriage? Relationship Bargaining with an Endogenously Determined Balance of Power”

         Minqiang (Kent) Zhao, Xiamen University, “Should I Stay or Should I Go? Understanding Millennial's Education, Labor Supply, and Living Arrangements”


Session B1: Labor Market (Conference Room 321)

         Chair: Hong Zhang, Jinan University

         Tong Wang, Shandong University, “Labor Market Outcomes of a Minimum Wage Change”

         Xiaoying Li, Sun Yat-sen University, “Benefits from Well-Educated Colleagues: Human Capital Spillovers at Chinese Workplace”

         Fanzheng Yang, Central University of Finance and Economics, “Only Children and Teamwork”

         Hong Zhang, Jinan University, “Retention Effects of Employee Stock Option: Evidence from Bunching at Vesting Dates”


Session C1: Migration (Conference Room 106B)

         Chair: Sen Xue, Jinan University

         Yuanyuan Chen, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, “Children Left Behind and Population Control Policy in Super Cities”

         Peng Zhang, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, “The Effect of Pollution on Migration: Evidence from China”

         Sen Xue, Jinan University, “Does Information Influence the Social Insurance Participation Decision of China's Rural Migrants?”


12:00-13:30  Buffet Lunch (Activity Room 115)


13:30-15:00  Keynote 2 (Conference Room 323)

Chair: Naijia Guo, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

         Jonathan Guryan, Northwestern University, “The Economics of Scale-Up”

Junsen Zhang, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, “The Use of Twins in Labor Economics with Applications to China”


15:00-15:15  Coffee Break (Activity Room 115)


15:15-16:45  Parallel Sessions: A2, B2, C2

Session A2: Education (Conference Room 323)

         Chair: Chao Fu, University of Wisconsin-Madison

         Jie Gong, National University of Singapore, “Gender Peer Effects on Students’ Academic and Noncognitive Outcomes: Evidence and Mechanism”

         Sisi Zhang, Jinan University, “How Do Home Purchase Restrictions Affect Job Search of Elite Graduate Students in China?”

         Chao Fu, University of Wisconsin-Madison, “Government Expenditure on Public Education”


Session B2: Environment and Health (Conference Room 321)

         Chair: Qu Tang, Jinan University

         Huihua Xie, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Shenzhen, “The Average and Distributional Effects of Teenage Adversity on Long-Term Health”

         Xiqian Cai, Xiamen University, “Gender Gap under Pressure: Evidence from China's National College Entrance Examination”

         Qu Tang, Jinan University, “The Effect of Temperature on National College Entrance Examination in China”


Session C2 Income, Consumption and Saving (Conference Room 106B)

         Chair: Shu Cai, Jinan University

         Yifan Zhang, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, “How Do Households Adjust to Trade Liberalization? Evidence from China’s WTO Accession”

         Gaojie Tang, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, “Understanding China's Rising Family Income Inequality: 1992-2009”

         Shu Cai, Jinan University, “Can Microcredit Program Crowd Out Informal Financial Networks? Evidence from a Randomized Control Trial in China”


16:45-17:00  Coffee Break (Activity Room 115)


17:00-18:30  Parallel Sessions: A3, B3, C3

Session A3: Education (Conference Room 323)

         Chair: Tracy Xiao Liu, Tsinghua University

Yuan Hu, Jinan University, “Does Sex Ratio Favor All Women in China? Marriage Squeeze for Highly Educated Women after College Expansion”

         Yang Yue, Xiamen University, “Affirmative Action and Household Education Investment: Evidence from National College Entrance Examination in China”

         Tracy Xiao Liu, Tsinghua University, “Incentive to Learn Online: a Field Experiment on MOOC”


Session B3: Labor Market (Conference Room 321)

         Chair: Naijia Guo, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

         Lei Zhang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, “Skilled Labor and Successful Exporters: Evidence from China’s Higher Education Expansion in the Late 1990s”

         Gergely Horvath, Xi’an Jiaotong Liverpool University, “The Impact of Social Segregation on the Labor Market Outcomes of Low-Skilled Workers”

         Naijia Guo, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, “Labor Market Dynamics in Urban China and the Role of the State Sector”


Session C3: Twins (Conference Room 106B)

         Chair: Ning Zhang, University of Pittsburgh

         Xuyan Lou, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, “Endowments and Gender Differences in the Marriage Market: An MZ-DZ Twins Experiment”

Rufei Guo, Wuhan University, “Filial Piety, Old-Age Support, and Children's Gender Composition”

         Ning Zhang, University of Pittsburgh, “Sophie’s Choice and Reverse Altruism: The Twins Experiment from China’s Send-down Movement”




Day 2, Sunday, December 17


8:45-10:15     Keynote 3 (Conference Room 323)

         Chair: Maoliang Ye, Xiamen University

         Hongbin Li, Stanford University, “Does CEO Know Best?”

         Jennifer Hunt, Rutgers University, “Why Are Fewer Workers Earning Middle Wages and Is It a Bad Thing?”


10:15-10:30  Coffee Break (Activity Room 115)


10:30-12:00  Parallel Sessions: A4, B4, C4

Session A4: Family (Conference Room 323)

         Chair: Yi Chen, Jinan University

         Hongliang Zhang, Hong Kong Baptist University, “School Access, Female Education and Fertility: Evidence from Jordan”

         Yuxin Yao, Lingnan University, “Sex Ratio and Timing of the First Marriage: Evidence from the One-and-A-Half-Children Policy in China”

         Yi Chen, Jinan University, “The Power of the Government: China's Family Planning Leading Group and the Fertility Decline since 1970”


Session B4: Migration (Conference Room 321)

         Chair: Kailing Shen, The Australian National University

         Zhiming Cheng, Macquarie University, “Labor Force Participation and Employment of Humanitarian Migrants: Evidence from the Building a New Life in Australia Longitudinal Data”

         Shihe Fu, Xiamen University, “International Travel Costs and Local Housing Markets”

         Kailing Shen, The Australian National University, “Migrants' (In)Stability: Evidence from Xiamen Employment Registration Records”


Session C4: Health (Conference Room 106B)

         Chair: Maoliang Ye, Xiamen University

         Li Li, National University of Singapore, “Access to Treated Water in Utero and Childhood Well-Being: Evidence from Rural China”

         Qinyue Luo, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Shenzhen, “Language Proficiency and Social Assimilation”

         Maoliang Ye, Xiamen University, “The Long-term Effect of Early Adversity on Mental Well-being: Evidence from the 1959-1961 Great Famine in China”


12:00-13:30  Buffet Lunch (Activity Room 115)


13:30-14:15  Keynote 4 (Conference Room 323)

         Chair: Wei Shi, Jinan University

         Peter Kuhn, University of California-Santa Barbara, “Gender-Targeted Job Ads in the Recruitment Process: Evidence from China”


14:15-14:30  Coffee Break (Activity Room 115)


14:30-16:00  Parallel Sessions: A5, B5, C5

Session A5: Family (Conference Room 323)

         Chair: Yanyan Xiong, Zhejiang University

Xiaoyun Zhang, University of New South Wales, “When Mommies Become Nannies: The Effects of Parental Retirement Across Generations”

Weiwei Ren, Yunnan Normal University, “Marriage Search with Active Search Decision: Theory and Application to Parents Searching on Behalf of their Adult Children in China”

Yanyan Xiong, Zhejiang University, “Time Allocation of Mothers with Young Children in China”


Session B5: Health (Conference Room 321)

         Chair: Yan Song, Jinan University

         Jie Chen, National University of Singapore, “Early Life Exposure to Tap Water and the Development of Cognitive Skills”

         Songtao Yang, South China University of Technology, “Does Female Education Reduce Teen Births? Quasi-Experimental Evidence from the UK”

         Yan Song, Jinan University, “Nonlinear features in China's New Cooperative Medical Scheme and Impacts on Enrollees' Health Care Demand and Health Status”


Session C5: Intergenerational Mobility (Conference Room 106B)

         Chair: Yujie Han, Jinan University

         Yi Fan, National University of Singapore, “The Changing Transition of Economic Status across Generations in China”

         Qian Wan, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, “The Effect of Education Expansion on Intergenerational Mobility of Education: Evidence from China”

         Yujie Han, Jinan University, “The long run effects of attending low-quality schools: Evidence from China's migrant children”


16:00-16:15  Coffee Break ((Activity Room 115)


16:15-17:45  Parallel Sessions: A6, B6, C6

Session A6: Family and Marriage Markets (Conference Room 323)

         Chair: Chao Liang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

         Cheng Chen, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, “The Relationship between Family Size and Parent's Labor Supply and Occupational Prestige: Evidence from Taiwan”

         Yiyang Luo, South China Normal University, “Is the Quantity-Quality Trade-Off Real? Quasi-Experimental Evidence from China”

Chao Liang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, “Bride Price and Sex Ratio: Evidence from China”


Session B6: Labor Market (Conference Room 321)

         Chair: Lina Meng, Xiamen University

         Minghai Zhou, The University of Nottingham Ningbo, “Direct Election of Union Chairman as a Working Mechanism in China: Size Matters”

         Xiaoming Cai, Tongji University, “Efficiency of Wage Bargaining with On-the-job Search”

         Lina Meng, Xiamen University, “The Crowding Out Effect of Real Estate on Labor Market: Micro Evidence from Migration Population”


Session C6: Social Issues (Conference Room 106B)

         Chair: Liqiu Zhao, Renmin University of China

         Huailu Li, Fudan University, “Extorting the Unbanked: Evidence from Singapore's Unlicensed Money Lending Market”

         Liqiu Zhao, Renmin University of China, “Does Education Shape Gender Role Attitudes? Evidence from China”

Jennifer Hunt
Junsen Zhang
Mark Rosenzweig
Kevin Lang
Peter Kuhn
Jonathan Guryan
Hongbin Li