
Third IESR-GLO Joint Conference

The Institute for Economic and Social Research (IESR) at Jinan University and the Global Labor Organization (GLO) are jointly organizing a virtual conference, following the 2019 joint workshop on Belt and Road labor markets and the 2018 joint workshop. This year’s conference takes place in the backdrop of the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic. We intend to provide a platform for economists to exchange ideas on the pressing economic issues of the day through a series of presentations of high-quality academic papers.

The conference will be held from June 5 (Friday) to June 7 (Sunday) through Zoom Webinar




Each conference presentation will have a 10-minute Q&A session that will be moderated by a conference chair. Attendees are welcome to type in their questions in the Zoom Q&A section or raise a hand to be unmuted.


June 5, 2020

7:30pm – 9:45pm (Beijing)/1:30pm – 3:45pm (Berlin)/7:30am – 9:45am (Washington DC)

  • ·     Spillovers within the Great Lockdown, by Xiaodong Fan (Monash University)

  •       Residential Water Quality and the Spread of COVID-19 in the United States, by Kelly Hyde (University of Pittsburgh)

  •       Using Migration Patterns to Predict COVID-19 Risk Exposure in Developing Countries, by Mahreen Khan (MIT)


Yang (Zoe) Yang (Chinese University of Hong Kong)

Yun Qiu (Jinan University)

Shu Cai (Jinan University)


Wei Shi (Jinan University)

Each paper is allocated 45 minutes, which consists of 25 minute presentation by the author, 10 minute discussion, and 10 minute Q&A.

10pm – 11pm (Beijing)/4pm – 5pm (Berlin)/10am – 11am (Washington DC)

  • Opening remarks by Shuaizhang Feng (Dean, IESR) and Klaus F. Zimmermann (President, GLO)

  • A Multi-risk SIR Model with Optimally Targeted Lockdown, by Daron Acemoglu (MIT)

11pm – 12:30am +1 (Beijing)/5pm – 6:30pm (Berlin)/11am – 12:30pm (Washington DC)

  • ·    Life Dissatisfaction and Anxiety in COVID-19 Pandemic, by Pablo de Pedraza (JRC European Commission)

  •      Sheltering in Place and Domestic Violence: Evidence from Calls for Service during COVID-19, by Riley Wilson (Brigham Young University)


Xi Chen (Yale University)

Jun Hyung Kim (Jinan University)


Sen Ma (Jinan University)

Each paper is allocated 45 minutes, which consists of 25 minute presentation by the author, 10 minute discussion, and 10 minute Q&A.

June 6, 2020


7:30pm – 9:45pm (Beijing)/1:30pm – 3:45pm (Berlin)/7:30am – 9:45am (Washington DC)

  • ·     “The Better You Feel, the Harder You Fall”: Health Perception Biases and Mental Health among Chinese Adults during the COVID-19 Pandemic, by Peng Nie (Xi'an Jiaotong University)

  •       The Impact of COVID-19 on Risk Preference, Trust, Mental Health, and Labor Market Outcome, by Xianqiang Zou (Renmin University of China)

  •       The Impact of Covid-19 on College Students, by Osea Giuntella (University of Pittsburgh)


Osea Giuntella (University of Pittsburgh)

Jubo Yan (Nanyang Technological University)

Peng Nie (Xi'an Jiaotong University)


Sen Ma (Jinan University)

Each paper is allocated 45 minutes, which consists of 25 minute presentation by the author, 10 minute discussion, and 10 minute Q&A.


10pm – 11pm (Beijing)/4pm – 5pm (Berlin)/10am – 11am (Washington DC)

  • Opening remarks by Yingyao Hu (Johns Hopkins University)

  • Coping with COVID Uncertainties, Charles Manski (Northwestern University)

11pm – 12:30am +1 (Beijing)/5pm – 6:30pm (Berlin)/11am – 12:30pm (Washington DC)

  • ·     Determinants of Disparities in COVID-19 Job Losses, by Bruce A. Weinberg (Ohio State University)

  •       Childcare Needs and Parents’ Labor Supply: Evidence from the COVID-19 Lockdown, by Sen Ma (Jinan University)


Sen Ma (Jinan University)

Bruce A. Weinberg (Ohio State University)


Shimeng Liu (Jinan University)

 Each paper is allocated 45 minutes, which consists of 25 minute presentation by the author, 10 minute discussion, and 10 minute Q&A.


June 7, 2020


7:30pm – 9:45pm (Beijing)/1:30pm – 3:45pm (Berlin)/7:30am – 9:45am (Washington DC)

  • ·     Social Capital as Fence during the Pandemic and Fuel of Economic Recovering: COVID-19 in China, by Jianan Lu (University of Edinburgh)

  •       Stay-at-Home Orders, Social Distancing and Trust, by Lamis Kattan (University of Ottawa)

  •       COVID-19 Emergency Sick Leave Has Helped to Flatten the Curve, by Stefan Pichler (ETH Zurich)


Lamis Kattan (University of Ottawa)

Stefan Pichler (ETH Zurich)

Jianan Lu (University of Edinburgh)


Klaus F. Zimmermann (UNU-MERIT and Maastricht University)

Each paper is allocated 45 minutes, which consists of 25 minute presentation by the author, 10 minute discussion, and 10 minute Q&A.


10:15pm – 12:30am +1 (Beijing)/4:15pm – 6:30pm (Berlin)/10:15am – 12:30pm (Washington DC)

  • ·    True Covid-19 Mortality Rates from Administrative Data in Italy, by Domenico Depalo (Bank of Italy)

  •       Helping Small Businesses in the Time of COVID-19: Insights from Chinese Policies, by Robin Kaiji Gong (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

  •       Italian Workers at Risk During the Covid-19 Epidemic, by Sergio Scicchitano (INAPP)


Shengjie Hong (Tsinghua University)

Sergio Scicchitano (INAPP)

Robin Kaiji Gong (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)


Wei Shi (Jinan University)

Each paper is allocated 45 minutes, which consists of 25 minute presentation by the author, 10 minute discussion, and 10 minute Q&A.


The conference is supported by the Journal of Population Economics. The Journal welcomes submissions dealing with the demographic aspects of the coronavirus crisis. After fast refereeing, successful papers will be published in the next available issue.


Daron Acemoglu (keynote)
Charles Manski (keynote)
Xiaodong Fan
Kelly Hyde
Mahreen Khan
Pablo de Pedraza
Riley Wilson
Peng Nie
Xianqiang Zou
Osea Giuntella
Bruce A. Weinberg
Sen Ma
Jianan Lu
Lamis Kattan
Stefan Pichler
Domenico Depalo
Robin Kaiji Gong
Sergio Scicchitano
Klaus Zimmernann
Shuaizhang Feng