Institute for Economic and Social Research

News and Announcements

【Call for papers】The 3rd Brookings–Jinan China Microeconomic Policy Forum

The Brookings Institution and Jinan University are pleased to announce the third joint annual conference on applied microeconomics, which will be held at the Institute for Economic and Social Research (IESR) at Jinan University, Guangzhou, China.

The 2021 conference will be held on Friday October 8 and Saturday October 9, 2021. We welcome proposals in all areas of microeconomics. We do attempt to encourage a theme if possible. This year we will give preference to papers in urban economics and transportation, including but not limited to urban development, transport infrastructure, traffic network, transportation mode, and housing policies. Again, we will consider submissions in other areas of applied microeconomics. Each paper presented at the conference will have a formal discussant and will also receive comments from the other conference participants.

Please submit a 3-5 page proposal or a full paper no later than April 15th, 2021. The conference will pay for the travel and accommodation costs of authors who are selected to present a paper. The contact author will be notified of acceptance or rejection of his/her paper via email by April 30, 2021. 

We ask that authors agree to submit a summary of their research after the conference to be included in the Papers and Proceedings of Brookings-Jinan China Microeconomic Policy Forum 2021, no later than November 9, 2021. This post-conference publication will include a summary of each research project presented, a summary of each discussant’s view, and a summary of general discussion. You may find the conference report for 2020: 

For any inquiries regarding the conference, please contact Clifford Winston at If you encounter any submission problems, please contact Sisi Zhang at 

This is the 3rd Brookings–Jinan China Microeconomic Policy Forum. It aims to facilitate closer ties between our research organizations and to promote research collaboration on a wide array of important topics within the field of applied microeconomics. You may find information on our past conference at: 


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